Nasi Kuning
Nasi Kuning or Yellow Rice is typical foods Indonesia. Yellow Rice as its name suggests, is the yellow rice, his yellow color comes from the natural food colorants, namely the turmeric. It's not just the color that contrasts with the usual rice, but also have a savory flavor. The food is made from rice that is prepared along with turmeric and coconut milk and
spices or herbs. With added spices and coconut milk, yellow grain has a taste
that is even more savory than white hemp. Yellow Rice is one of the variants of
white rice that may be often used as a representative. Yellow Grain usually
served with a number of side dishes typical of Indonesia
In the tradition of Indonesia In the color, yellow symbolizes Gold Mountain rice which means wealth, prosperity and lofty moral. Therefore the yellow rice is often served at Thanksgiving events and ecstatic events such as birth, marriage, and fiancé. In the tradition of Bali, the color yellow is one of the four sacred colors are there, along with white, red and black. Yellow Rice is therefore often used as brass at a ceremony dishes.
Even though it looks easy, making yellow rice suffice it tricky. There are various herbs that are so secret delights of yellow rice that is turmeric not only alone. Then measure the coconut milk must fit so that the yellow rice was not mushy or too dry. In addition to the presented in various forms, there are also other dishes complement this yellow rice fritters, such as fried noodles, omelet slices, soy sauce chicken, dried, fried sambal tempe, urap-urap, and also shrimp crackers.
How to make Nasi Kuning:
-Turmeric 5 cm
-2 cm galangal
-Ginger 5 cm
-1 old coconut fruit
-2 stalks Lemongrass
-Onion 5 pieces
-Bay leaf (4 sheets)
-Rice 1 kg
-4 tsp salt
-Pandanus leaf 2 sheets
-900 ml coconut milk
How to make Nasi Kuning:
1. Wash the rice until clean, then soak the rice in water that is clean.
2. Puree the herbs, namely, galangal, shallots, turmeric, ginger, and salt.
3. put the Spice into mashed coconut milk then stir until evenly distributed.
4. Cook the coconut milk to a boil.
5. Discard water marinade rice, then pour the coconut milk into the rice with filtered.
6. Enter the Bay leaves and Lemongrass. Rebuslah rice by using low heat. During boiling the rice stir until water shrink and the rice is almost cooked into the rice.
7. when approximately the level of maturity achieved already, take the leaves and Lemongrass rice from in almost mature.
8. prepare the pot for steaming, then boil the water first.
9. stir the rice into a pan.
10. Add pandan leaves.
11. Steamed rice until it is completely cooked.
12. If you want to shape the rice first, wait until the rice becomes cold. Let the rice cool by itself wearing the room temperature.
13. To form the rice into a cone, you can shape it yourself or using a mold of tumpeng.
Tips and how to make yellow rice using a rice cooker or magic .com:
1. Select the type of rice is good or should use the sticky rice.
2. Wash the rice and soak first in order to mature more quickly.
3. Consider carefully measure the rice and the quantity of water or coconut milk condiments.
4. When rice has put in the rice cooker, recently put the herbs finely. Before put, dissolve delicate seasoning to taste with first air.
5. Then, add pandan leaves, bay leaf, and Lemongrass.
6. Press the cook in a rice cooker. Make sure that the rice cooker has been tightly closed.
7. once the rice is ripe, immediately stir the rice so that it does not rotate.
8. How the presentation of this yellow rice, in contrast to how to present rice usually. Not only put in place of the usual rice dishes but is presented in a manner decorated. You could also make a replica of a birthday cake using yellow rice. Shape the rice yellow depending on your imagination and creativity.
Nasi Kuning
Reviewed by tya
December 02, 2018

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