Red Hat OpenShift 4.2: Kubernetes for Hybrid Cloud Developers

Red Hat, via OpenShift, wants to help developers build the new hybrid cloud model.
Red Hat wants OpenShift to become a hybrid cloud platform. Now, with its latest release, Red Hat OpenShift 4.2 , Red Hat will see even bigger.

Ashesh Badani, Senior Vice President Red Hat at Cloud Platforms, says, "We continue to prioritize the next generation of open source enterprise technologies like Kubernetes to be even more accessible to developers while maintaining Administrators' priorities With these goals in mind, OpenShift 4.2 offers features to help customers accelerate application development and delivery. "

In OpenShift 4.2, Red Hat makes it easier than ever to install and manage Kubernetes- the heart of the new hybrid cloud model. With it, developers can focus on creating enterprise applications without deep knowledge of Kubernetes.

Ready-to-use development services

To do this, this new version adds ready-made development services. These include Mesh Service, serverless execution and seamless integration pipelines and continuous delivery (CI / CD) native cloud. More precisely, we find in this new version:
  • Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh , based on the Istio, Kiali and Jaeger projects and enhanced through Kubernetes Operators, simplifies the development, deployment and management of microservice applications on OpenShift.
  • Red Hat OpenShift Serverless , based on Knative and available in technical preview, helps reduce costs by running applications that can be reduced to zero power, while remaining responsive to user demands and then evolving on demand. 
  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines , in the Developer Preview and available as a Kubernetes operator, runs each step of the CI / CD pipeline in its own container, allowing each step to adapt independently to changing demands.
The new version also includes Red Hat CodeReady Containers containers . These allow you to install an OpenShift environment pre-installed on a laptop for local development. Thanks to this, programmers can update themselves on Kubernetes programming.

Deploy in an OpenShift testbed environment

But it's more than just containers. CodeReady also gives you a framework that links container development tools to a local cluster. Then, once you've created native container-based cloud applications, you'll be ready to deploy in an OpenShift benchmark environment.

For developers, OpenShift 4.2 offers the following features:
  • Web Console with a developer perspective so that developers can focus on what matters to them, showing only the information and configurations that developers need to know. An improved user interface for topology and application building makes it easy to create, deploy, and view containerized applications and cluster resources for developers.
  • Odo , a developer-oriented command-line interface that simplifies application development on OpenShift. Using a "git push" interaction, this CLI helps developers who do not know how Kubernetes creates applications on OpenShift, without needing to understand the details of Kubernetes operations.
  • Red Hat OpenShift Connector for Microsoft Visual Studio Code, JetBrains IDE (including IntelliJ) and Eclipse Desktop IDE makes it easy to connect to existing development pipelines. Developers can develop, build, debug, and deploy their applications on OpenShift without leaving their preferred IDE.
  • Red Hat OpenShift Deployment Extension for Microsoft Azure DevOps. Users of this DevOps tool suite can now deploy their applications developed on Azure Red Hat OpenShift or any other OpenShift cluster directly from Microsoft Azure DevOps.
Red Hat OpenShift 4.2: Kubernetes for Hybrid Cloud Developers Red Hat OpenShift 4.2: Kubernetes for Hybrid Cloud Developers Reviewed by Tya Chyntya on October 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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