Kefir of fruits

Kefir is an ancestral fermented drink, refreshing, economical and full of virtues thanks to the probiotics it contains. Find out how to do it.


For 1 L of drink:
  • 1 L of osmosis water, spring or mineral
  • 20 g of fruit kefir grains (can be found in organic stores or on the internet)
  • 1 or 2 dried figs bio (according to their size)
  • 2 slices of lemon
  • 20 g of organic sugar (avoid coconut sugar)
  • 1 round hermetic glass jar of 1.5 L 
  • 1 round glass bottle of 1 L (the round shape is important compared to the gas produced during the fermentation)
  • 1 funnel
  • 1 colander

First fermentation

Put all the ingredients in the airtight jar (grains, lemon, fig, sugar, water). Close it for a sparkling drink. Shake the jar to mix.
Keep your preparation at a temperature of 20 ° C.
This first fermentation lasts about 24 to 48 hours. The longer the fermentation is, the less sparkling the drink will be.

Second fermentation

Filter the preparation. Flavor it to your taste with fruits, spices, flowers (raspberries, ginger, hibiscus, elderberry ...).
Pour the flavored liquid into a bottle and store at room temperature for another 24 hours. 
Put the drink in the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation.


• Kefir:
- Bottle closed: 1 week in the fridge
- Bottle opened: 2 to 3 days maximum
• Grains:
The grains multiply very quickly. To preserve them, place them in a sealed jar filled with water, put them in the refrigerator and change the water once a week.
To wake the grains: place them at room temperature in a sealed jar filled with sugar water. And replace this sugar water every 2 to 3 days (the grains must be translucent).
Kefir of fruits Kefir of fruits Reviewed by Tya Chyntya on September 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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