Comfort food: 15 comforting recipes

Yes, we assume, we love comfort football. Because sometimes, we desperately need a spoonful of tenderness, no question of leaving aside our favorite whip recipes!
The comfort food is the sweet cuisine, the one that balm body and body. We will not say that it is the lightest, on the contrary, but its effect on a morale at half mast is worth it to keep some ideas under the elbow in case of emergency!
As much as you can tell, comforting recipes are sure to be on the menu soon. Okay, they are rarely light, not always balanced and often a bit decadent ... But that's why we love them, precisely. And after a depressing day, when the job weighs or the weather is gray, a good hot dish with melted cheese or a sweet chocolate dessert always work wonders!
On the anti-depress menu, we start with salty comfort food recipes , from Savoyard bread to gruyere croque monsieur. On the pasta side, try macaroni with béchamel sauce or homemade lasagna, not to mention the essential spaghetti carbonara. We enjoy the mince Parmentier beef Bourguignon, we dare gratin potatoes raclette and do not forget the Savoyard fondue!
Even more cheese? We love a soup with onion and cream of Maroilles, we cook the quiche in tartiflette version and we alternates fondue Munster or pizza 4 cheeses. As for sweet comfort food recipes , place with cocoa with a hot chocolate with milk and cinnamon foam, a mousse with Carambar® and dark chocolate ... or with a 100% tenderness dessert with mellow French toast and syrup. maple!
Comfort food: 15 comforting recipes Comfort food: 15 comforting recipes Reviewed by Tya Chyntya on September 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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