Winter heating with hot cocktails around the world

Hot cocktails have long been a special gift in the winter with a variety of styles and recipes. Different ways of drinking hot cocktails show different cultural characteristics in each country and region around the world. And above all, these cocktails not only make people feel warm but also a special enjoyment in the midst of the warm weather.
American sailors brought rum from the Caribbean islands to American countries and gave it a special life. With the addition of butter, sugar and hot heating, rum is no longer common aromatic alcohol but becomes a warm source of energy. In other versions, this cocktail is also added with cloves, pepper, marshmallows, nutmeg or even apple cider.


Sbiten is a popular drink from all walks of life in Russia since the 12th century. "Sbiten" in Russian is "beaten", and this is also the way to make this cocktail.
Created by the main ingredient of honey and some other aromas, sbiten brings a characteristic-rich aroma. However, bartenders have added alcohol to this drink instead of using the yeast-like honey in the earlier versions. The blended wine can be red wine, vodka or any other strong Russian brandy. The wine is mixed with honey and boiled with ginger, anise, cardamom and garnished with mint or cinnamon leaves.
In Russia, sbiten is usually stored in a large kettle called samovar and can be used with ice in the summer.
Winter heating with hot cocktails around the world Winter heating with hot cocktails around the world Reviewed by Tya Chyntya on February 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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