The personality traits of Bengal cats
Bengal cats a hybrid, it was created by crossing domestic cats with feral cats, in this case, the Asian Leopard Cat. Bengal cats were developed in the United States in the 1970s, using domestic cats and Egyptian Mauss, and breeders tried to develop a cat that looked like a wild cat, but with a gentle and friendly nature. friendly, suitable for pets. But the first cats were not really domesticated, and it took a long time for the breed to be adopted and the cats began to behave like domestic cats. The fear that these cats really are wild still exists in the imagination of the public, and although they are increasingly popular, many people still do not really trust them. So what are these beautiful cats like? Is it really domesticated, And can it be believed? And does it make good family pets? Here we take a look at the common characteristics of the Bengalis.
The cats are strong, intelligent and naughty
The Bengal cat is an extremely active breed. They are also very intelligent, probably due to their ancestors living in the wild. Add these two things together, and you may have a problem with this king! While some Bengals are well behaved, some owners find that there is nothing that will keep this breed for a long time. They will get bored and run around looking for trouble. As super intelligent cats, they can manage to open doors and some can even turn on and off lights. It is difficult to keep these ordinary people indoors because escaping from home is sometimes their joy.
Bengal cats are gentle and affectionate lords
As mentioned above, most owners complain that they only occasionally relax. Probably fortunate for those who own them, because at least they lie down and roll with their feet in the air, they lift their buttocks up to their owners and giggle happily, then curl up on their lap and sleep. fell asleep. What more do you want from your lordship? They are really very affectionate and like to lie beside their owners at night, often sleeping with the lotus until morning. They are really very gentle and adorable cats.
Bengal cats prefer water, but not as much as the Turkish Vans
This means that sometimes they will play with their water before drinking it, just like what a wild Asian jaguar will do when they approach a pond in the wild. Cats can also play with a cup or bowl of water if given the chance, and many of them enjoy playing with water in the bath or shower. Indeed, for Bengal, water is just another toy.
Bengal is a buzzing species
Bengal cats are very popular cats. They do not growl in the way of a Siamese cat but have a very different voice than a normal domestic cat. It is almost like a high-pitched cry, and sometimes even sounds like a chirping. Sometimes they miaow when they want something - food, toys, water, ..., whatever. Other times, however, they only tell you what their day is like and have a conversation with you.
The personality traits of Bengal cats
Reviewed by Tya Chyntya
December 07, 2019
Rating: 5

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