Owning a dog makes your social life better

A new survey has shown that dog owners will have better social interaction.
The survey of owners of 2000 dogs showed that half of them made new friends while taking their pets for a walk.
Respondents said they met an average of 4 new people when walking with pets or in puppy training classes, the majority of whom said that owning a dog helped them feel more confident when they You can easily talk to strangers.
In addition to owning a dog also helps improve their health, stress levels and love life
And everything has 2 sides, when the "Sen" has a broader social relationship, it also means that the "Boss" also has more chances to meet his dog friends. Owners of dogs believe that their "boss" has an average of three friends.
Eight out of ten pet owners surveyed said they believed it was important for dogs to have friends.
The researchers found that nearly one-third of the companion dogs were other animals and contrary to popular opinion, the majority of these were cats. And others say their pet befriends horses and rabbits.
Nick Jones, who holds an MA in dog behavior, said: “Dogs who make friends with each other can form strong bonds and learn a variety of social skills from one another that humans may find difficult to recognize or receive. out.
Similarly, dogs can also be a barrier to getting their owners to start conversations with strangers who might pass by and this has been shown to provide many health benefits: improve mental and physical health, which this study has shown. ”
Owning a dog makes your social life better Owning a dog makes your social life better Reviewed by Tya Chyntya on December 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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