What to do when dogs dig in your garden?

Why do dogs dig?

Digging is a natural behavior of the dog. Many dogs like to do it. Dogs dig for many reasons: Some simply prefer to dig; some look for something it desires; Some prefer to bury everything for later searching. If your dog is left alone in the yard for hours, he can dig a hole to escape boredom. It can also dig under the fence to find an exit. Some dogs dig inside the house in an attempt to create a bed. If your dog shaves the floor with his feet and around him, place an old blanket or a square rug there to make a bed.

Stop digging behavior of dogs

Digging is an interesting activity for dogs, and it's hard to stop them. As stated, you can train your dog to dig in a place you can accept. Here's how: choose a spot in your yard, where there's a wooden or sandbox, or a kid's pool - preferably in a place where your dog tends to dig. For a 50-pound dog, the dirt box must be at least 12 inches deep.
You then put in the box with dirt or sand, moisten the soil and hide toys in it. Provide a range of treasure for your dog to dig up: new toys, his favorite toys and things to chew. Then encourage your dog to dig in the box. See your dog for some time. If you see it digging anywhere else in the yard, return it to your designated mining area. If you like playing in the dirt, you can join your dog.
To minimize dog training, be sure to meet the dog's physical and social needs. In hot weather, dogs must have shade and clean water to drink. Some dogs enjoy a kids sized pool filled with water to splash into. Remember, dogs dig when they get bored, so make sure your dog trains regularly and communicates with you daily.

Other tips to keep your dog from digging in your garden

If your dog likes to play with other dogs, try to make sure your dog has a chance to do so. Besides keeping your dog happy for a while, playing with other dogs will use up its excess energy. For dogs who are often dug up even when their needs are met and they are regularly trained by boats and interact with society, it is best to keep them indoors when unattended. In general, when dogs are happy to practice, they will be more comfortable and happily lying around instead of digging in your garden.
Check out these articles: 6 tips to improve your dog's health , Interesting things you can do with your puppy , How to handle dog chewing
What to do when dogs dig in your garden? What to do when dogs dig in your garden? Reviewed by Tya Chyntya on December 23, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. I know this post is old, but training your dog is the only long-term solution, people.

    I love my dog so much but it constantly did the things that irked me most. It would chew on things that it shouldn’t or jump up and down out of the blue.

    Whenever I put on the leash, it would pull on it. Whenever it was out of the house, it would continue digging on the ground - I wish I could tell what it was looking for down there. The same goes for all the nasty urine.

    All the things it did left me feeling depressed as if I failed it monumentally.

    But since I discovered Brain Training 4 Dogs and applied the system offered, it now behaves the way a beautiful dog I always expect of.

    I highly recommend it. Here's a link to their site. Good luck!


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