What to do when dogs are scared of loud noise- how to fix it

Many feared dogs with loud sounds, like thunder, firecrackers, and guns. Usually, a dog will try to escape when it hears scary sounds, or if it fails to run, it will have negative actions to escape.
If you don't help ease your dog's ears, it could hurt itself, run away, or devastate your home in its desperation to get rid of scary noise. Number of tips to help a dog easily be scared


If you know a storm is coming, turn on some of your music or TV to make the thunder go away. Create a safe home for your dog. Let your dog show you where: If it goes to a favorite spot, make a nice bed there. Encourage it to relax with you and if it relaxes, give it something to eat or a piece of bone. Allow your dog to leave and return if he wants to.
Do not leave a scared dog in the cage and leave. Although the pen may be a safe place for it, it may feel trapped in it if it is scared of the storm. It can hurt itself when trying to get out of the barrel.
When the thunder is louder, your dog may not be able to lie still in the same position as your request. You can try playing a favorite game with it or feeding it a special dish. If it doesn't calm down, just be with your dog and try to reassure him. There are also some products you can buy to help ease your dog anxiety.

Behavior modification

If your dog's fear is not extreme, you may want to modify the behavior. Here are some things you can do: Record the sound of the storm (or any noise) and play the volume at a very low level while you participate in the activities you like. You can play games with your dog, take care of it, feed it by hand, or practice the signals your dog knows in exchange for food. If your dog feels okay with that volume, turn up the volume the next day. Continue increasing the volume each day when you find your dog adapts to that volume every day.
This method gradually alleviates your dog, and over time the dog will feel less frightening. If your dog becomes frightened at any time, lower the volume to a level it is comfortable with and repeats the volume increase if it adapts. If your dog's fear is getting worse, you may need help from your veterinarian.
What to do when dogs are scared of loud noise- how to fix it What to do when dogs are scared of loud noise- how to fix it Reviewed by Tya Chyntya on December 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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