The syndrome of hypersalivation in the cat, or ptyalism, corresponds to a production of saliva in excess which leads the animal to drool in a way sometimes worrying. This saliva can have different aspects: frothy, gooey or very liquid. The causes of excess salivation can be many, and some cats simply drool when they are happy! But hypersalivation can also be a symptom of a more serious problem, such as intoxication or pathology.

My cat saliva because he is happy or stressed

Although this fact is more often attributed to the dog, it is not uncommon for a cat to drool to express his happiness. If your cat’s salivation coincides with its hum, there is every chance that this explanation is the right one, so there is no cause for alarm. Salivation can also occur during the stress and anxiety states in the cat, which can occur during a trip, following a change of habit or environment … Hypersalivation is also common in cats suffering motion sickness, especially when sick in the car. It can then be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. To relieve these symptoms, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian who can prescribe an anti-stress adapted to the situation.

My cat saliva after taking medication

Another cause may be the side effect of some drugs, in which case it should be mentioned in the package leaflet. The anti-parasitic products are also likely to cause abnormal salivation if the cat has licked after administration of a pipette for example. Again, there’s nothing to worry about right now, but watch for the evolution: if the symptom lasts, it’s better to consult the veterinarian to make sure your cat does not make a toxic reaction to the product.

My cat saliva after poisoning

Chemical intoxication (household products, aromatic oils…) and toxic plants for the cat (philodendron, ficus, lily of the valley, laurel-rose, foxgloves and many others) can be at the origin of hypersalivation in your cat. In this case, an emergency consultation is necessary because it could be in danger of death. Oral contact with certain animal venoms, including the toad and the processionary caterpillar, is another possible cause. The processionary caterpillar is particularly dangerous, its venom can cause serious lesions to necrosis! The cat can also begin to salivate abundantly following the ingestion of a food or product with an unpleasant taste, or following the taking of a drug.

My cat saliva after an oral problem

Discomfort in the mouth can lead to hypersalivation in the cat, whether it is the presence of a foreign body causing pain, infection or oral inflammation such as gingivitis. Tartar buildup may also be the cause of this symptom, so it will be necessary to have the veterinarian perform a complete descaling. Other oral pains can be incriminated in the presence of a lesion or ulcer. Check if you can your cat’s mouth and consult without delay especially if it has bad breath. It could also be hampered by a cyst in the throat or esophagus preventing it from swallowing.

My cat saliva following a pathology

A viral infection such as the common cold, calicivirus or hepatitis can be responsible for ptyalism in cats. Several chronic metabolic causes, such as kidney failure, as well as intestinal (gastritis) and neurological diseases (encephalosis, facial nerve palsy) can cause hypersalivation with or without nausea. There is also the possible presence of oropharyngeal tumors and ulcers in the stomach. All these pathologies being serious, it is necessary to consult the veterinarian for an exhaustive exploration of the possible causes in the case of a hypersalivation.
WHY IS MY CAT DROOLING? WHAT TO DO? WHY IS MY CAT DROOLING? WHAT TO DO? Reviewed by Tya Chyntya on October 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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